Peter Hric j.r. Apps

GMI Media TV/Radio broadcast 0.9.5_beta
This multimedia application enables watching/listening TV/radiostations of: - Gospel Ministry International - Amazing Discoveries- Bible Lighthouse and others bringing the Great News to multitudeof nations, people, kindred and tongues. 26 fixed TV stationssupported - broadcasting from different countries in differentlanguages: - English - Chinese - Arabic - Southern Asian - Spanish- Amazing Discoveries - Amazing Facts - Phillipines - Grenada -Kenya - Bolivia - Hungary - Romania - Germany - Portugal -Indonesia - France - Italy - Czech Republic / Slovakia - Nederland- Russia More features expected to come in production versionrelease. Among others possibility to add own stations. -------Gospel Ministries International is a faith-based, volunteer-drivenorganization which seizes opportunities to carry God's love,through sacrifice, to the world. - Education - Prison Ministry -Healthcare - Care for the Abandoned and Needy These are some of itspriorities, while utilizing technology such as aviation and massmedia to leverage the impact and influence of its mission. Seekingto maximize the number of persons involved and areas reached, itcreates service opportunities for diverse skills and education.Believing that time is very short, its decision making reflects asense of urgency. It supports and encourages people and otherorganizations which share these principles. GMI has been acompletely faith-based organization from the start. David Gates andthe GMI board and administrators manage GMI with a financialphilosophy built on prayer and faith. No fundraising projects areundertaken, and no funds are explicitly solicited. Through thisphilosophy of simply making people aware of needs, and reaching outto God in prayer, GMI has grown in leaps and bounds. Today GMIdirects and supports medical aviation programs in Guyana,Venezuela, Bolivia, and Norway, reaching people in the interiorwith the gospel and emergency medical help. GMI maintains a totalof 6 schools in Guyana, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Peru, providingbasic education and industrial training to Adventists andnon-Adventists alike. GMI's largest ministry is through 3television networks (several more in development). The AdvenirSpanish Television Network (ASTN) reaches the entire Spanishspeaking world through satellite and cable networks in many areas.The Adevir Portuguese Television Network (APTN) will soon reach theentire Portuguese speaking world, and the Caribbean Family Network(CFN) is rebuilding to reach the Caribbean in Caribbean English andFrench. A new network broadcasting in Romanian is currently indevelopment. The beautiful Christian family programming provided bythese networks includes kids programming, soothing nature scenes,music videos, cooking shows, historical programs, and Biblicalpreaching. GMI continues striving to fulfill God's calling,providing help to those in need and sharing the wonderful news ofour soon returning Jesus with those who have not yet heard.---------- This App is brought to you with the support of volunteerdevelopers: - Michael Ortiz (EmpoweredDesignApps) - Peter Hric -Matthias Neugebauer - Jonatan Neugebauer
SmartBooks.OLD 4.3
Mobile version - identical to the program via WEB browser.
Mobile version - identical to the program via WEB browser.